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Elongated filament-like structure
Hi everyone,
How can we best define the snake-like structure? Are these kind of pillars?? marisa_gomez
Thank you all for your comments and links. They´re very helpful to me
by marisa_gomez
thanks for info!
by krzychu19
Hi krzychu,
See this thread for more info :...
by ElisabethB
What is EGO?
by krzychu19
The images are at different resolutions so not all will be like this one. However, please note that...
by jules
How do I know if I completed the project?
Hi jvu23
See this post by jules
Please note that the Milky Way Project is currently in between...
by ElisabethB
The example image was of good quality. The following ones, like this one, are very pixelated so the...
by TheObservers
How do I know if I completed the project?
Or if I got anything right or wrong for that matter?
by jvu23
Bug/Problems with the New Milky Way Project
Hi Mgorman,
Please note that the Milky Way Project is currently in between image sets and some...
by jules
The Milky Way Project is currently between datasets and it looks like the Milkman site is down...
by jules
I can't open
by verdelyn
I don't see an EGO there aristos. EGOs appear green in this colour scheme. (Hence Extended Green...
by jules
Is an EGO?
by aristos
Graduate Research Survey: Demographics of Zooniverse Space Science Projects
Thank you everyone who responded! The article containing this research has been published and you...
Welcome to the MilkyWay project Samantha! We are all waiting for some new images to classify but...
by jules
Hello, everyone!
My name is Samantha Zimmerman, and I am actually here for extra credit for samzimm1
Hi - I left a reply to your post in the Help section. 😃
by jules
Most of the pictures are blurry.. is this normal??
by manzpatr
That is indeed an artifact LWSPM - the kind of green flare often seen around bright stars. There's...
by jules
That is pretty cool! I like the image a lot too.
by zmiranda
Yes, it is!
by zmiranda
This nebula look's amazing!
by zmiranda
Nominate *your* favourite Milky Way Project image for the Daily Zooniverse!
by jules
Nominate *your* favourite Milky Way Project image for the Daily Zooniverse!
by jules
Isn't it cool how the stars line up like that? It starts from the bottom, and then the stars keep...
by mcgalaxy
Nominate *your* favourite Milky Way Project image for the Daily Zooniverse!
[NASA ScienceCast – Milky Way Project “Yellow...
by jules
It is planetary nebula NGC 7354. You'll find more info and links in the comments below yours.
by jules
Is there anyone who can tell me what the object in the upper left of the image is? Please take note...
ZooCon 2015 - 11 July 2015, Oxford, UK
I'll be going too. It's good to meet other like-minded people so I also hope to meet some of you...
by jules
EGOs (1 subject)
by marisa_gomez
Favorites (5 subjects)
Is it normal part of nebula? (left, top corner)
by krzychu19
Favorites (1 subject)
A planetary nebula
Favorites (5 subjects)
fantastic exebition
by FACTEdu
Sky (1 subject)
by Johnhomes
stardust (2 subjects)
by mixu74
Favorites (5 subjects)
no veo nada estraño en esta imagen y ustedes
by edwin2512
Unclassified (2 subjects)
I would be very interested in knowing how that phenomena is classified. #WhatIsIt
by knightcon
Favorites (2 subjects)
This was a mistake!
by Helenmaxwell
Favorites (5 subjects)
wow cool man
by Danilio_14
what are the reds in the left corner?
by SteiVi
May it be galaxy on the left site?
by SteiVi
so bright.
by SteiVi
I marked it as an "object" (other). I don´t know what it is
by marisa_gomez
Could this not be a #PN_candidate?
by marisa_gomez
I see a beautiful #galaxy, #spiral, two loose arms
by marisa_gomez
#yellowball too? in between bubbles
by marisa_gomez
I see a couple of #galaxies there
by marisa_gomez
by marisa_gomez
top left corner - objects. What could they be? Any #EGO?
by marisa_gomez
by marisa_gomez
by Bbecker