The Milky Way Project Talk

Possible Gas Infall to Object (Black hole or Massive Star)

  • Nobias by Nobias

    Where I placed the ID Box - Marked 'OTHER', looks remarkably like gas being drawn into a black hole or a Massive star (there is a bright one indicated as well however the gas doesn't point at the star and the terminus seems to be just below the stars position).

    Could be a coincidence of the image but, the shape of the gas to the left of the brightest star in this image would indicate it is not just moving across the image but may be drawn off course by a heavy gravity well. Do not know the scale of the image.


  • Nobias by Nobias

    #blackHole, #Inflow, #Gravity


  • Nobias by Nobias

    Is there any data on how far away these images are?


  • Nobias by Nobias

    Hey people, this comment has been here for 8 months and no one has commented on it, or even seen it?. come on gotta do better about this
