The Milky Way Project Talk

"Triggered" star formation

  • gwolfchase by gwolfchase scientist

    One interest of the MWP science team is finding images such as this, where you see smaller bubbles or blobs "riding" on the rims of larger bubbles. As bubbles around young stars expand into the surrounding gas and dust, in some cases they can compress this material into new stars (that can produce their own bubbles). So stars may "spawn" in this fashion! The problem is we don't yet understand how often this occurs and under what conditions. MWP volunteers can help by inspecting large bubbles for signs of smaller bubbles, dark nebulae, or star clusters, that might appear like "blisters" on the larger bubbles. These objects might be seen on the face of the bubble as well as along the rim. This information can help us target these regions for further study to determine whether there is a cause and effect relationship. Thanks! Grace


  • ttfnrob by ttfnrob admin, scientist

    If anyone has any images that may featured examples of triggered formation, please tag them as #triggered and we'll see how many we can collect.


  • wistormspotter by wistormspotter

    I believe I have run across a #triggered image you are looking for. The image is AMW0000y8t. the link is here


  • gwolfchase by gwolfchase scientist in response to wistormspotter's comment.

    I believe I have run across a #triggered image you are looking for. The image is AMW0000y8t. the link is here

    Wonderful example of what we are looking for --- thanks! Grace


  • wistormspotter by wistormspotter

    Here is another one that looks like some #triggered star formation AMW0000z84


  • wistormspotter by wistormspotter

    More #triggered AMW00014rr


  • heracleum by heracleum

    #triggered AMW0002v4v


  • heracleum by heracleum

    #triggered enAMW0002y2y
