The Milky Way Project Talk

Lack of findings

  • Traver by Traver

    Hello all

    I am finding that a large percentage (around 40%)...or at least a large percentage by my way of thinking....of the "sky plates" I look at have" nothing to report" as my response.

    Is this more or less consistent with other contributors on this site??

    I am a little concerned that I may be being too "discerning/picky" in my assessments. I do refer frequently to the samples posted while assessing each panel, and I think I am making the right calls...but I remain concerned that I may be rejecting possibilities too easily.

    Does this 40% value (plus or minus) seem appropriate?? I do want to be submitting the best possible data.

    Thanks for your feedback


  • JCoop by JCoop

    Hey Traver. There are definitely more "nothing to report" images in this data set - it's not you.


  • Loulouuse by Loulouuse

    I seem to detect a tiny red #ego in the center of the right part of the image here, though


  • ElisabethB by ElisabethB moderator

    EGO = Extended GREEN Object 😄


  • Traver by Traver

    Thanks JCoop

    Makes me feel a little better.


  • heracleum by heracleum

    This posting indicates that they retire "nothing to report" images as identifications go along, so that would seem to imply that as time progresses fewer of them and more of the "interesting" images will show up.
