The Milky Way Project Talk

I found this object while classifying.. Please tell me what this is?

  • jbturner79 by jbturner79

    I came across this object while classifying and am absolutely stunned by what this could be. Possible body in front of a star?


  • jules by jules moderator

    That's an image artifact - though it does look spectacular! It's what happens when a very bright star oversaturates the camera. You'll see lots of examples like this. This is a great example - I've added it to my collection of spotty stars! 😃


  • jbturner79 by jbturner79

    Amazing! Thank you for the info 😃


  • Whoandwhatitis by Whoandwhatitis

    It also looks to me like a #jet of material is being ejected from the pole of the saturated object, traveling down and to the right, away from the camera.

    I also see a lot of dust in a diffuse cloud in this area, with what looks like a #bowshock, possibly caused by a star traveling from the other side of the gas cloud toward the camera.
