The Milky Way Project Talk

Identifying Star Clusters.

  • Axtros by Axtros

    This may seem like a stupid question, but it looks like all of the stars are clustered together. How do I tell what is for sure a star cluster?


  • bjm53 by bjm53

    Looks like a galaxy in bottom left corner. As for star clusters the guide gives a good idea of what to look for. I had a similar question which I have not had any answer that is what makes a star cluster, we only see them face on. If you could see the same cluster from a different angle say 90 degrees would it still appear as a cluster???????
    Any scientist have an answer????


  • ElisabethB by ElisabethB moderator

    Hi bjm53

    Here's what wiki has to say about star clusteres :

    It looks like clusters look more or less the same regardless of the angle of viewing.


  • bjm53 by bjm53

    Thanks Elisabeth
